
FuCCI is Starting Its First Federal Project on Hydrogen Production

Funded by ARPA-E’s Geologic Hydrogen program, FuCCI will start its first federal project on exploration of geologic hydrogen production, teaming up with MS&T’s Lightwave Technology Lab, GE, Shell, and Lawrence Livermore National Lab. This is a two-year exploratory project aiming to significantly accelerate the serpentinization of fayalite for hydrogen production. We look forward to scaling…

Dr. Ma received 2023 Faculty Excellence Award

Dr. Ma received the 2023 Faculty Excellence Award of Missouri S&T. Every year, this award recognizes up to 5 faculty based on their 5-year performance in research, teaching, and service. https://news.mst.edu/2023/12/35-faculty-honored-for-outstanding-teaching-service-experiential-learning/…

Developing carbon-negative cementitious materials, giving new life to ‘unusable’ waste

S&T News reported the new project of FuCCI for carbon-negative conversion of solid wastes into commodity cementitious materials. This article included a photo of our semi-industrial-scale batching plant too. The batching plant will play an important role in upscaling of the developed technology following R&D in the Phase I project. Read the full article here:…

Dr. Liao attended ARPA-E’s MINER BOOST program

During the 10/16 week, Dr. Wenyu Liao, Assistant Research Professor of FuCCI, attended a small-size MINER BOOST program funded by ARPA-E and Grantham Foundation. MINER BOOST is aimed at accelerating the development of a community of mining startups by drawing in talent from a number of high risk ARPA-E projects in the area….

Dr. Ma presented for NRMCA’s Concrete Innovations: Carbon Reduction Strategies

On 10/18/2023, Dr. Ma gave a presentation entitled “Eco-Efficient and Carbon-Negative Supplementary Cementitious Materials Derived from Solid Wastes” for National Ready-Mixed Concrete Association’s Concrete Innovations Seminar series, Session 16: Carbon Reduction Strategies. Dr. Ma showcased FuCCI innovations of alkali aluminosilicate solid wastes (e.g., off-spec coal ashes, waste-to-energy residues, steel slag, etc.) derived alternative supplementary cementitious…

FuCCI innovations showcased on Future of Coal Workshop

The 2nd Future of Coal Workshop is taking place at Missouri S&T’s experimental mine. Innovations at FuCCI upcycling reclaimed coal combustion products (CCPs) as alternative supplementary cementitious materials and using CCPs as a sorbent to capture CO2 from flue gases and co-produce carbon-negative supplementary cementitious materials is being showcased on this workshop. Last year, during…

FuCCI will receive a $2.5M award to advance carbon-negative supplementary cementitious materials

The Office of Fossil Energy and Carbon Management of DOE has selected a team consisting of Missouri S&T and Lawrence Livermore National Lab to advance a concept called “carbon-negative supplementary cementitious materials” developed at FuCCI. This $2.5M award includes $2M federal funding and $0.5M cost share from Missouri S&T and industrial partners. See DOE’s announcement…

In-Situ Monitoring Enabled by a Remote Fiber-optic Raman Probe

In collaboration with the the Lightwave Technology Laboratory at Missouri S&T, we have been developing an in-situ Raman probe that can be inserted into the target object (e.g., concrete and solutions) for continuous monitoring of chemical changes. Recently, we successfully employed this tool in the monitoring of the hydration of alite and belite in cement…

New Collaborators Toward Carbon-Negativity

In the last week of July, Dr. Ma visited Lawrence Livermore National Lab, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab, and several startup companies in the fields of CO2 capture/conversion, carbon-efficient cement/concrete, and reactor design and manufacturing. Many new partners are enthusiastic about supporting and funding FuCCI’s research, development and demonstration according to the cooperative models of industrial…